Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Where Has The Week Gone?

Is it really Wednesday, ALREADY? Oh my goodness. Where has the week gone?
Naomi, Maddie, and Noah are leaving for Texas on Sunday~ and do you think I've got any packing done yet? ahem!!! NOPE.
Unfortunately, I was back in the ER last night fearing that I might have another DVT. What is a DVT, you ask? Let me tell ya~ ***deep vein thrombosis
Function: noun: a condition marked by the formation of a thrombus within a deep vein (as of the leg or pelvis) that may be asymptomatic or be accompanied by symptoms (as swelling and pain) and that is potentially life threatening if dislodgment of the thrombus results in pulmonary embolism -- abbreviation DVT.

In the past 5 years I have suffered 5 different blood clots in my right leg, and 1 Pulmonary Embolism. Ok now you ask what is a PE? hahaha, let me tell ya that one too~***pulmonary embolism
Function: noun: embolism of a pulmonary artery or one of its branches that is produced by foreign matter and most often a blood clot originating in a vein of the leg or pelvis and that is marked by labored breathing, chest pain, fainting, rapid heart rate, cyanosis, shock, and sometimes death -- abbreviation PE

I'm experiencing all the of the classic symptoms of a DVT in my right leg again~ I had an ultra sound performed and thank goodness it came back negative...but unfortunately the scan did show some reflux in a few of my veins that lead to main arteries. Doctors in the ER were convinced that I do have a clot, but can't do much unless there is documentation via scan. So I am sort of on bed rest, and on some lovely pain meds to help alleviate the pain from the swelling and inability to flex my ankle.

This is preventing me from spending much quality time with the cubbies before they leave for the also is preventing me from packing 3 suitcases of clothes and extras. Hmmm....there's got to be a creative way for me to get this done, of course in the way I want it done. I'd love a Rosie or a Alice right now, so at least they could do the packing in an organized manner. LOL

Now I need to figure out dinner for the raging cubs, before the Daddy Lion is off to work at 10pm.

Cereal and fruit sounds like a great plan for the night.
Please say a little prayer for me for my doctor appointment tomorrow, when find out the route to go in order to prevent more clots or PE's. I will more than likely will have another U/S to rule out the formation of the clot.

Thanks all!!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Grocery Trip Tuesday May 13th!

I didn't get up and do my shopping at 6:30 as planned today, but I did get out and run errands and finished with my shopping at Basha's and Albertsons.

I put gas in the truck~ gosh it hurts. The gas in Chandler is ranging from $3.43-$3.75 per gallon. I was at 0 miles left when I pulled in to the nearest station, and paid $3. 53/gallon. We put in $50~ so that will give us about 170 miles before we have to fill up again.
I know I will be planning every trip I make and won't be driving too far until these ubsurd prices fall down to a reasonable level...hmmm....$.50 a gallon would be nice, wouldn't it? (Snap out of it, it will never happen!)

With the gas prices so high, we have to turn any events that are on the West side of Phoenix, even if they are $200 events. It would be 2 round trips to that side of town, and $3.50 average a gallon...yeah..uhm! NOOO WAY!

Ok onto the grocery trip~ Here's what I spent.
Bashas Trip:
Sour Cream $1.99 saved .30 cents
Butter $2.50 saved $2.19
Romaine salad mix $1.00 saved $1.29
Select salad mix $1.00 saved $1.29
Hickmans dozen eggs (2) $1.19 each saved $1.80 each ($2.38 total saved $3.60)
Brown sugar $2.19
Rice $1.99 (2lbs)
Cinnamon (for matzah fry) $2.19
Watermelon 8.66 pounds bought $1.56
Bunch of green onions $.79
Navel oranges 4.43 lbs $4.43 with a $.50 coupon
Shamrock farms cottage cheese (2) managers sale for fast sell normally $3.39 paid $.39 per carton....$.78 total spent
Wolfgang puck chicken stock $2.69 saved $.30
Donald Duck OJ (1/2 gallons) 3@ $.99 = $2.97

Non grocery:
Sun Burst laundry detergent 2X 112 loads $4.99 saved $4.00
Sun Burst Laundry detergent 2X 112 loads $4.99 saved $4.00
Suavitel Fab softener $2.99 saved $2.00

Basha's Balance Due $42.36
Basha's Savings $30.63
Brought 4 reusable bags in ~ cashier forgot to give my $.05 refund per bag. Will go get it on next trip. Hey 20 cents is 20 cents. :)
Albertsons Trip:
Wild cherry Pepsi 2 Liter $1.00 saved $.89
Vinegar $1.99 saved $.80
Yehuda Matzo $4.00 Saved $10.59 (5 pounds of matzo)
Cucumbers(2) @ $.89= $1.78
Danju pears 4 lbs for $3.91 Saved 1.92

Brought my own bag in got $.05 refund
Total: $12.82 at Alberstsons
Savings: $14.25

Total Grocery Spent: $55.18 (went over because I bought extra laundry det. and fabric softener)
Total Saved: $44.85

Can't wait to hear how your shopping trips are going this week!!!! Share Share Share!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Meal Plan Monday May 12th, 2008

Meal Plan Monday May 12th-May 18th
Dinner Plans:

Monday: Cajun Chicken, baked potatoes, and green beans
(All ingredients OH)

Tuesday: Mega Cheesyburgers, whole wheat buns, condiments and big salad

Wednesday: Grilled Asian Chicken, Brown Rice and corn on cob-grilled (pg 245)

Thursday: Beanie Burritos, spinach salad, and baby carrots (Beef and Beans OH..will make homemade Pinto Beans for recipe)-pg 8

Friday: Slow Cooker Chicken & Dumplings (Most Items OH), with salad, and cucumbers

Saturday: Tuna Casserole, Green Beans, B&B

Sunday: C-O-R-N (Clean Out Refrige Night)

Scrambled Eggs
Homemade Pancakes
Overnight coffee cake
Yogurt and Granola
Toast with PB
Smoothies with frozen fruit
Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches
Cornbread with honey

Macaroni and Cheese
Ramen noodles
Grilled Cheese
Chicken breasts with rice
Garden Burgers with potato and beans
Pot Stickers
Pooh Ravioli for Miss Martie
Chicken stuffed with broccoli and cheese
Egg Salad Sandwich
Orange chicken
Cottage Cheese
Canned Fruit
Bagels/Cream cheese
Tortilla's with cheese and salsa
Artichoke dip
Rice Crispy Treats
String Cheese with pretzels
Grocery List:
From Basha's
Butter $2.50
Biscuits (2 pkgs) $2.00
Sour Cream $2.00
Eggs $1.19 dozen
Orange Juice $2.88
Oranges 10lbs/$10
6 Green onions $1.00
Spinach Salad mix $1.00
Salad Mix $1.00
Watermelon $.18/lb
Taco Seasoning $.50
Curry Powder $2.50
Brown Rice $1.00
From Albertsons:
Whole wheat buns $1.00
Cucumbers 10/$10
Pears 10/$10
This week's grocery list is small for our family of 7. I'm looking at staying right around $35.00 plus tax.
This is all because we were so blessed by 'Nanny'! This is Michael's mom. She took us to Sam's Club on Friday and bought us 6 lbs of chicken breasts, 4 half gallons of organic milk, grapes, and steaks (which we made for the family that night to treat her for Mother's Day early..since she was flying back on Saturday early).
I did a scan of the pantry and freeze again this morning and encorporated what we have on hand to our menu. I'm so pumped!!!! I really would like to keep our grocery budget around $50/week from now on..using $35 for the menu, and the rest for building up our pantry and freezer, and for non food the CVS and Walgreen deals earning the ECB's and RR's.
As I scanned the freezer and pantry, I did also develop an inventory list. One for the Freezer, and one for the an item is used we cross it off, and add it to the grocery list with the amount needed. :)
Yay!!! I love organization! hmmmm...maybe I'm a lil fanatic for it! Aww who feels good to have order and no chaos!
Tomorrow I will go do my grocery shopping at Albertsons and Basha's. I plan on going early around 6:30ish so I can get it done while it's still cool outside and have the day to work in the office and maintain a schedule for miss martie.
I hope to also bake some bread and brownies this week too, to save money and give us some extra sweets.
I can't wait to hear how others are saving this week on their grocer budgets...and what you weekly menu is.
So share share share~ Please share with us your GROCERY BUDGET and MENU for this week.....come on..speak up! :)
As a reference..the OH in my menu stands for On Hand Items (in pantry or freezer)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday's Shopping Trip

Feeling a bit blue today~ which explains why I chose this color. I'm not all the way blue, a little purple is mixed in. Blue for sadness, purple for strength that I see in myself.

Today I tried to get some baking done, but I think I did more running today that I had hoped I would do in a week. Martie was able to visit with her Daddy and her Nanny. Nanny flew in from Florida to see her daughter who is having some health issues, and Martie is fortunate to be in the same town so they can get to know each other a little better. Martie came home overly tired and happy!

During the time I had alone, without a child sneaking around, I was able to run to the store and get the items I needed to complete this weeks menu. I had about $60 to spend, but really wanted to spend around $50.....UNTIL I ran across a managers sale on ground beef. Typically I buy 90% or 93% ground beef, but this sale was just too was 80% but I wasn't going to be picky in times like these.
I bought just over 9 lbs of beef for about $12. So if my math is correct....that is $1.33/pound. WOOHOO!!!! Price of beef in Arizona has been running around $3.00/lb during sales. LOL so I think I hit a jackpot today. So I bought some more freezer bags so I could put the meat in 3/4 lb portions and freeze most of it...I probably will brown a few pounds and then freeze that way I can pull out and then cook up for tacos or burritos or spaghetti and meat sauce in a jiffy.

So I do have to say, this little visit to the store with a great find was a bit of a triumph for me hehehe!
I hope tomorrow I am less busy with running here, there, and everywhere....and am able to do some baking.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Menu Plan Monday!

Today is the day!!! The day to create a menu and do my best to stick to it. I had my menu created last night, but due to unfortunate events, I am now the primary bread winner (so to speak) and have $30 to my name at this moment.

It's a very scary time ~ to sit and wonder how I will pull this off alone with out a mate and feeding 5 hungry, growing, active kids.

And I'm not a real creative one either...but I'm gonna learn to be....STARTING TODAY!

So here goes.


Breakfast~ Grits and toast

Lunch~Macaroni and cheese with celery

Dinner~Chicken Sandwiches, baked potatoes, salad


Breakfast~Scrambled Eggs and toast

Lunch~PB&J Sammy's with pretzels

Dinner~Hot Dogs on Grill and Fries (homemade), baked beans


Breakfast~Oatmeal and fruit

Lunch~Macaroni and cheese and veggies...salad possibly

Dinner~Tuna Casserole, bread and salad


Breakfast~Grits and fruit or toast

Lunch~PB&J Sammy's and Soup

Dinner~Bean and Cheese Burritos with rice


Breakfast~Scrambled eggs and toast with fruit

Lunch~Ramen Noodles with veggies

Dinner~Frozen Pizza's and Green Beans


Breakfast~Breakfast Sandwiches, homemade hashbrowns

Lunch~Left overs

Dinner~Salmon and Salad with bread


Breakfast~Pancakes, fried potatoes, and Eggs

Dinner~Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole


I have most of this in my pantry and freezer so I really only have to buy:




Ground Beef

Green Beans



PopCorn for snacks

Cottage Cheese for snacks

Yogurt for snacks

Bagels for snacks.

I'm pretty confident if I have to live on $30 for food this week, I can do it!!!! Woohoo!!!

Ok now share your menus with me!!!! and what your grocery budget is for the week.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Matzoh Ball Soup....and Passover

Last night ~ the first night of Passover, we had some friends over. We bbq'd and made some Matzoh Ball Soup....YUM. My favorite...I could eat this every week.
The size of pot we make the soup in is about a 5 gallon pot. So obviously we end up with plenty of left overs. We usually eat the leftovers the enrire weekend.
Today as I prepared the soup for the children I noticed the look of disappointment on their faces. Now mind you, Matzoh ball soup is not much different than chicken just has matzoh balls in it...but you can take or leave them, so this shouldn't hinder them eating the soup.

This caused me to start thinking about our weekly dinners. I realized that these children have been lacking in homemade foods...and dependent on quick chicken nuggets, fries, and things of that sort. Since they are so used to having these types of foods....they have begun to dislike the healthy homemade dinners. This is very much the case of our society in the 21st century...we have become so busy, rushed, and tired .....that these quick, unhealthy meals are part of our every day lives.

I vowed to myself today that all of this is changing in my home. I have vowed to start using my crockpot more, start using the oven or grill...and less frying and fast type foods.
I know that healthy cooking isn't all that cheap~ until now!!!!!

There is a fix. A grocery store committed to providing healthy alternatives, but at an affordable price. Fresh & Easy...check them out:

A great clip I just watched on was a perfect example of how I can change our eating habits in our home...I hope it might help you too.

Let me know you stopped by to read ...and if you have hints on how your family is making healthier choses.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Simplifying Meal Times

Are you like me, and have trouble finding a plan to make dinner time peaceful, and simple?

Do you find yourself looking at the clock at 4pm and you realize you still have nothing planned for dinner, and that you have meat in the freezer that hasn't been thawed?

Would you like to spend more quality time with your family, and not slaving in front the stove for a hour or two?

Are you tired of running up to the fast food restaurant at the last minute, because you have no other plan?

If you answered yes to one of those questions, then I have some ideas to share with you....I hope one of the ideas I offer, will be something that can simplify your life and give you more time with your family....while saving money at the same time.

1. I ran across this site during my search. Each day of the week for one month, there is a meal, recipe and there is a grocery list for the week that you can print off, or even have sent in a text to your cell phone. The meals actually look really yummy too.

2. I recall as a child my mother ordered her meals or food from the Schwans man each month. The food was always delicious and it saved her much needed time in the kitchen. It might not be the best place to save money, but it can save time and effort.

3. Meal prep kitchens are very popular these days. This is a store front where, for a set price you select 12 meals and a session time. When you go in at the choosen time everything is chopped, minced, diced and layed out for you to put together all the ingredinets of each meal in a freezable container. When you get home you pop all 12 meals in to your freezer. When you want to make use of one, simpily defrost it and cook it. The benefits are tremendous. I could go on and on about it. The link I provided will bring you to a site where you can find out what is available in your area. I think I am going to try this out...this would be fun to do with a few of your friends at the same time. Sort of make a party out of it.

4. What is The Grocery Game? The Grocery Game is a website that can save you hundreds of dollars on grocery bill each month. Log in, spend a few minutes with a pair of scissors, and you're off to win The Grocery Game!
When you play, you'll get a weekly list (called Teri's List) of the lowest-priced products at your supermarket matched with manufacturers' coupons and weekly specials -- advertised and unadvertised. The Grocery Game does all the hard work and research, and presents it to you in a straightforward format. The site includes recipes, and meal ideas also.

5. Angel Food partners with churches and community organizations throughout the country to help distribute food to those in need. For $30.00* you can receive a box of food containing both fresh and frozen items. Their food items are top quality –they buy our food from major food producers throughout the country to ensure the best food comes to your table.

6. Hillbilly housewife is full of resources for the kitchen and meal planning. Hillbilly Housewife also has teamed up to provide a monthy meal plan that coordinates with the angelfood ministry box of food.....

Well that's it for tonight. I hope that I was able to kindle a spark to get you all back in the kitchen, and away from McDonnalds or Jack in the Box at dinner time.

Please email me and let me know how you are doing...what you've been working on, and let me know how it all is working out for you.

Much love and hugs to you all,

My Boy! Marching Band 07-08 Season

Static Baby! Static Powers Activate!!!

Mykiah Easter

Mykiah Easter
My pretty lady in Houston

My baby is a hot cheeto's addict....."HI my name is Martie Ann and I'm a....."


Basha Drumline...State Champs!! Woohoo!

Martie April '08

Martie April '08
All Dressed Up .....

Michael and Martie

Michael and Martie
Baby sleeping on daddy

Pool Table

Pool Table
Our Awesome Pool Table, We got on Trade!!! Free is awesome.